
Feature Ideas

The list below is a list of potential features or enhancements. These might be entirely new features or enhancements to existing features.

They may, or may not, end up being added into Extensibility Logs.

  • Activity Log
  • Diagnostic Log
  • Path Variables
  • VSIX Installer Log
  • MEF Error Log
  • Service Hub Log
  • Environment Variables
  • Visual Studio Setup Log?
  • Enable/Disable VSIP Logging?
  • Enhance Path Variables?

Ticked items are available in the lastest version of Extensibility Logs.


If you'd like to implement one of the feature ideas, feel free to open an Issue on GitHub (with the same name as the feature), and we can start a discussion there.

We can then work toward developing a pull request, so the your feature can be incorporated into Extensibility Logs.

Don't forget to check out the Contribution Guidelines.

Bug Fixes

Once bug fixes have been fully tested, they'll be included in the next public release.

There are no bug fixes that need testing at the moment