API Description

Work In Progress

This documentation is still a work-in-progress.

Luminous Code currently consists of two Nuget packages:

  • Luminous.Code.Core
  • Luminous.Code.VisualStudio


Luminous.Code.Core is a plain C# class library project that contains the lower level classes, methods and extension methods that get used by more specialised projects such as Luminous.Code.VisualStudio.

Lack of 'Core' in the Namespace Names

I decided that there was no benefit to including Core in the namespaces because it sometimes made the namespaces sound a bit odd.

Extensions Namespace


The Luminous.Code.Extensions.ExceptionExtensions namespace is fairly self-explanatory. It contains a set of extension methods that extend the Exception type.

  • ExtendedMessage Method

    The ExtendedMessage method returns the message of the innermost exception, or the original exception message if no inner exceptions exist.


The Luminous.Code.Extensions.StringExtensions namespace is fairly self-explanatory. It contains a set of extension methods that extend the string type.

  • JoinWith Method

  • To<T> Method


Luminous.Code.VisualStudio is a plain C# class library project that contains the lower level classes, methods and extension methods that pertain to creating Visual Studio extensions.

It has a project reference to the Luminous.Code.Core project, as it relies on some of the code in it.

Commands Namespace

The Luminous.Code.VisualStudio.Commands namespace contains all of the plumbing code that a command needs to interact with the Visual Studio IDE (via the command's parent package).


The Luminous.Code.VisualStudio.Commands.AsyncCommandBase class is an abstract class, which acts as the common base class for the AsyncStaticCommand class and the AsyncDynamicCommand class.

It contains all of the plumbing code that a command needs to interact easily with its parent package. It also has the ability to communicate with the IDE.


The Luminous.Code.VisualStudio.Commands.AsyncDynamicCommand class can be used for commands whose text may need to change, and/or which may need to dynamically determine if the command needs to be visible or enabled. Three sensibly-named overridable properties are provided to make this easy and flexible.

Both the command's Visible property and Enabled property are automatically calculated based on the values of CanExecute and IsActive.

  • CanExecute Property

    If CanExecute returns false, the command cannot be executed at all. The command's Visible and Enabled properties will both automatically be set to false.

    For example, command classes that inherit from AsyncDynamicCommand can override this property to return, say, a package-wide value that can be set in Tools | Options, or use some other method of determining if the command's functionality should be turned off.

  • IsActive Property

    If IsActive returns false, the command's Enabled property is automatically set to false. A common use for this property is to be able to check a UI Context.

  • Text Property

    The Text property, as its name suggests, sets the command's display text. Its initial value is null, which instructs the famework to use the value set in the VSCT file.


The Luminous.Code.VisualStudio.Commands.AsyncStaticCommand class is useful for commands whose text doesn't need to change, and which are always visible and always enabled.

CommandBase (deprecated)

The Luminous.Code.VisualStudio.Commands.CommandBase class has been deprecated in favor of AsyncCommandBase.

Command Keys


  • CancelledResult

  • InformationResult

  • ProblemResult

  • SuccessResult


DynamicCommand (deprecated)

The Luminous.Code.VisualStudio.Commands.DynamicCommand class has been deprecated in favor of AsyncDynamicCommand.

StaticCommand (deprecated)

The Luminous.Code.VisualStudio.Commands.DynamicCommand class has been deprecated in favor of AsyncDynamicCommand.

Constants Namespace


Extensions Namespace





Packages Namespace

The Luminous.Code.VisualStudio.Packages namespace contains all of the plumbing code that a Visual Studio package needs to interact with the Visual Studio IDE.


The Luminous.Code.VisualStudio.Packages.AsyncPackageBase class is an abstract base class from which you inherit your own packages.

  • GetService<T>

    The GetService<T> method is a small piece of syntactic sugar around Package.GetService, which avoids the need fortypeof and takes care of the cast to T as well.

    I just find it nicer to be able to write GetService<ISomeInterface> than GetService(typeof(T)) as T.

  • GetService()

    The GetService<TSource, TTarget> method takes it a step further, for when you need to query a service and cast it to an interface (which happens a lot when dealing with Visual Studio services).

    Again, I find it nicer to write GetService<SomeService, ISomeInterface> than GetService(typeof(TSource)) as TTarget.

  • GetServiceAsync()

    GetServiceAsync<T> was going to be the async version of GetService<T>, so I could get my services in InitializeAsync before switching to the main thread. But it turns out there was a problem I wasn't aware of, which meant that there was no benefit to have the async version.

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  • GetServiceAsync()

    GetServiceAsync<TSource, TTarget> would suffer the same restriction, so again there was no need for the method.

  • ShowToolWindow<T>

    The ShowToolWindow<T> method is for situations that only allow a single tool window.

  • ShowNewToolWindow<T>

    The ShowNewToolWindow<T> method is for situations that allow multiple tool windows.

  • OpenFolder

    The OpenFolder method opens the suppliedfolder path in a File Explorer window.

    It abstracts away the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Package and commands that interact with the Visual Studio IDE.

PackageBase (deprecated)

The Luminous.Code.VisualStudio.Packages.PackageBase class has been deprecated in favor of the AsyncPackageBase class.

Solutions Namespace



VSHierarchies Namespace
